
my training

When I develop horses I focus on four main things, Connection, Compassion, Control, and Results. The first thing I want to do is make sure a horse has mental connection with me. If they can't connect with you, they can't learn. This means teaching them to focus despite distractions. Some people try to reduce distraction around their horses; I believe in helping them learn to process stimuli and stay connected with you through these distractions. 

When I train, I always try to keep Compassion foremost in my mind. Horses are beautiful and incredibly sensitive beings. Most of the time if they aren't trying, it's either because they are scared or they don't believe in your leadership. Approaching horses with Compassion allows me to always look at things from their point of view so that they WANT to work with and for us.

Then, I look at Control. I need to be able to softly and willingly control first a horses feet, and then their flexions as well. If a horse will willingly give me control of his feet, he trusts me as his leader, and then, anything is possible!

Lastly, horses love purpose and achieving goals. So when I train horses I always try to look at what their future is, as well as what their human's goals are, so that I can help the pair begin to achieve things together.

Each horse is an individual, so I do introductory lessons to set up a unique training plan for each horse. I sell my training time in 10 hour packages, because each horse's timeline is different. I encourage owners to become a part of their horses' growth and development, and I only take training horses when the owner is going to be committed and involved in a path of continuing to grow and learn with the horse! 

This is Uno, a three-year-old filly that I started and had in training for a year for the Rehoming 4 Life Challenge. Her dam was rescued and she was born at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, UT.  I picked her up in March, and began her development. This was her first show, in October; she had about 150 rides on her at this point.