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Compassion * Connection * Control


my learning

I grew up in a family of animal lovers—but not horse people. So my journey with horses began by begging and begging and begging some more to have a horse. My parents made a really smart choice, and instead of buying me a horse, and beginning on a solo horsemanship adventure, when I was 8 they found an amazing barn for me to ride at. Plumb Pond, was a small private barn run by an amazing woman in the San Juan Islands, in the Northwest corner of Washington State. And for me, it was a little slice of paradise. 


my training

When I develop horses I focus on four main things, Connection, Compassion, Control, and Results. The first thing I want to do is make sure a horse has mental connection with me. If they can't connect with you, they can't learn. This means teaching them to focus despite distractions. Some people try to reduce distraction around their horses; I believe in helping them learn to process stimuli and stay connected with you through these distractions. 


My Focus

Compassion * Connection * Control
